Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Rest In Peace, Max
Posted by
Mrs Rad Wag
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Max - day 2 at home
We had a rough day yesterday. Rob called the vet because he was worried about Max's lack of activity yesterday. When we had his PCV checked, it was down to 17. PCV is pack cell volume - it should be between 35 and 50. On Sunday, Max's was at 12. After his blood transfusion, it went up to 22, but on Monday was at 18. We didn't know if the medication just hadn't had enough time to start working, or wasn't going to work.
Last night we saw some good news - Max pooped! That hasn't happened for many days, so was exciting! :-) This morning when I took him out to the vet, he went to the bathroom (#1) and it was yellow! He also seemed a little more awake. His PCV today was back to 19. That is VERY GOOD news! We're going to keep him home for the next 4 days and see how he does. We have an appointment on Monday to have his PCV checked again.
At this point, he's not stable enough for surgery and the chances that he'd survive that are small. We don't want to put him through anything like that. Hopefully his PCV numbers will continue to rise and we'll just keep up with the medication regimine that we've started.
We still need to work on getting him to eat, so I got some different, high calorie, sweet tasting (so I'm told), dog food. Max will eat a little bit if we make small balls of the food and feed it to him. Usually he eats the two balls that contain his medicine and then one or two more, so he's definitely needing to eat.
Please keep up the prayers and good thoughts!
Posted by
Mrs Rad Wag
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Max - day 1 at home
We were able to bring Max home last night! He is on an antibiotic for the next 28 days - 3 tablets twice a day. He's also on prednisone for probably the next 6 months - 3 tables twice a day. He walked from the vet's office to the van and then from the van to the house. As soon as he got into the house, he laid down and didn't move. Rob brought him his pillow and he was still there when I left the house this morning!
He takes his medicine OK - I make a "meatball" of 3 pills at a time with some bland canned prescription food. However, he hasn't been outside to go to the bathroom yet. I showed Rob how to look at Max's gums every few hours - it's the best indicator if he's losing blood. Rob's home today on Max duty. Tomorrow we take him back to the vet for more blood work - hopefully his body has started producing red blood cells again and he'll be closer to being "out of the woods".
Posted by
Mrs Rad Wag
Monday, February 22, 2010
Our Max had to be hospitalized yesterday. After hours and hours of tests, he was diagnosed with immune mediated hemolitic anemia, which basically means that his body is destroying his red blood cells. He had a blood transfusion last night with lots of IV fluids. He's also on an oral steriod and antibiotic to hopefully combat the origin of the anemia. As the veterinarian told me this morning, "He's not out of the woods yet." But she's very optimistic because he's been responding so well to treatment. He's even displayed some of his "Max behaviors", such as barking one for no apparent reason, and laying down to eat and drink. (Although this worried the vet techs - they thought he was trying to drown himself in his water dish!)
It's looking good that we might be able to bring Max home with us tonight. He'll need additional tests and monitoring, but it will be nice to have him home - for both him and us!
Please pray for Max and for us. Benjamin is too little to fully understand what is happening, but he does as for Max - "Where's Max?" I heard many times last night. Sam is very sad and upset about the entire situation and I'm afraid that he thinks that Max is dying. I am reassuring him about the care that Max is receiving, but can't bring myself to tell him that everything will be OK - just in case it's not. Emily already has a full worry load as a teenager in high school, so this just makes it worse.
I'll keep posting updates here, so check back.
Posted by
Mrs Rad Wag
Monday, November 23, 2009
A Life Of Thanksgiving
A blog that I follow had the most incredible post this morning. The blogger is challenging himself to live an entire week full of thanksgiving! What a neat idea - to be grateful for everything that we have rather than disappointed or upset about what we don't have! I've always found that when I'm thankful, I'm happy, and my happiness multiplies!
So, I'm going to do the same, and challenge myself! Starting right now, through Sunday, I'm going to be thankful for everything that I have - even if it's not something that I would usually be thankful for! (Like dirty dishes or muddy dog feet!)
You can read Nate's post here: And I challenge you, too, to be thankful this week! It's contagious! :-)
Here is what I am MOST thankful for:
Have a great week!
Posted by
Mrs Rad Wag
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Labor Day Weekend 2009 pictures
We had a wonderful Labor Day weekend. Our neighbors invited us to stay with them on Potato Lake! The accomodations were incredible, the weather awesome, and we all had a blast!
Posted by
Mrs Rad Wag
It's that time of the year again! Sam is selling Cub Scout popcorn to earn money for scouting trips. Emily is selling Butter Braids to earn money to go to either Chicago or Denver for dance. These are both great money makers as there is low overhead.
If you're interested in either, let me know!
Posted by
Mrs Rad Wag
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thoughts and prayers are needed...
A classmate of my daughter's died last night.
Please pray for his family.
Posted by
Mrs Rad Wag